How do I enroll my child?
For the current school year, pick up an enrollment packet at the main office.
For the following school year, call the office to make an appointment beginning February 18, 2025.
**Enrollment is by appointment only**
Can I tour your campus?
Tours are held 1 time per month. Please call school if interested.
What should I do if my child will be absent?
Inform the school by calling the office at 818-249-1863 or emailing agoze@gusd.net
What do I do if my child is late?
Student must be signed in by a parent or guardian at 8:15 am or after in the main office.
What should I do if I need to pick my child up early?
The parent/guardian will need to sign the student out in the office. Once signed out, the student will be called from the classroom. Please note: Students will NOT be called out from class prior to the parent/guardian’s arrival.
How can I clear my child’s absences?
A doctor’s note should be provided to the school no later than 3 business days from the date of illness. Student must be seen by a physician while they are out, not after.
How do I know if there’s school today?
Please refer to the school calendar on the homepage.
What time does the gate open in the morning?
The Altura gate opens at 7:45am.
What do I do if my child needs medication?
Have your doctor fill out a ‘Medication to Be Taken During School Hours’ form and turn it into the front office. Any medications including over the counter should not be kept in your child’s backpack. Please note: Cough drops are classified as over the counter medication.
How can I volunteer?
A volunteer affidavit along with a negative tb test result is to be turned in to the front office prior to the first day of volunteering. Please speak with your child’s teacher regarding volunteer opportunities.
Can I bring my child’s smaller siblings with me when I volunteer and/or to fieldtrips?
Yes, for award ceremonies and assemblies including afterschool activities.
No, for volunteering in the classroom, workroom or on fieldtrips.
What if I can’t pick up my child due to an emergency?
Students will ONLY be released to people listed on their emergency list in Parent Connect.
What is Parent Connect?
Parent Connect is a website which allows you to see your child’s profile (grades, attendance, and contact info).
What do I do if my child forgot his/her lunch, books, instrument, sweater, homework, water bottle, etc.?
Items are to be dropped off in the main office. Office staff will then contact teachers via email. Items will not be delivered nor will the classrooms be called. It is the student’s responsibility to be at school prepared with all of their items ready to learn.
My child’s birthday is coming up. May I bring treats for his/her class?
No. Birthday celebrations are not allowed, though students may be acknowledged by their teacher on their birthday.
Can I bring my child a special lunch or snack?
No. District policy states that no fast food is allowed to be dropped off.
What kind of treats can be delivered for classroom parties?
All items should be store bought. Homemade goods or any items prepared at home will not be distributed to students.
How can I speak with my child’s teacher?
Appointments are to be made with the teacher per their availability. Please refer to the contact page for teachers’ emails.
I need before and/or afterschool care.
Please refer to Before/After School Child Care page for programs, prices and enrollment.
Please refer to our parent handbook if you have any further questions.
Thank you.